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This page holds copies of all Livewell Southwest’s workforce related policies. Staff should refer to Livewell Southwest’s internal intranet site for copies of any documents that do not appear on this list.

Adoption Leave & Pay v2.2
Appraisal & Line Management v4
Appraisal Paperwork – Record of Staff Appraisal Meeting
Appraisal Paperwork – Line Management Record Template
Appraisal Paperwork – Personal Development Needs Template
Appraisal Paperwork – Secondary Employment Declaration
Attendance v6.1
Career Break v3
Death in Service v1.4
Declaration of Interests v4
Disciplinary v5.18
Disclosure & Barring v2.1
Domestic Abuse Employee Support v5.1
Equality & Diversity v3
Flexible Working v2.2
Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy v4.1
Honorary Contracts, Visitors Declarations & Contracts for Services v2
Job Matching & Evaluation v2.1
Leave v3.3
Maternity v3.3
Menopause at Work v1.2
Organisational Change v4
Parental Leave (Unpaid) v2
Paternity v2
Pay Progression v1.2
Performance Management v4
Privacy Statement
Probationary Period v2.1
Procurement Agreement between Livewell Southwest & Joint Trade Union Forum v2.4
Professional Registration v2
Raising Concerns & Speaking Up (Whistleblowing) v4.2
Recruitment & Selection v3.1
Redeployment v3
Redundancy v3
References v2
Relationships at Work v1.5 
Reserve Forces Training & Mobilisation v3
Resolution Policy v1.1
Retirement v2.2
Shared Parental Leave (Adoption) v2
Shared Parental Leave (Birth) v2
Substance Misuse – Drug & Alcohol v6
Trade Union Recognition Agreement v3.4
Volunteering v3
Work Experience Placements v2
Working Time Regulations v2
Workplace Reasonable Adjustments v3